Reconciling Works


Representation matters. 
Since 1983, the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Program has been a public way for faith communities to see, name, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the Lutheran church. The (RIC) Program is made up of congregations, synods, colleges, seminaries, outdoor ministries, and other Lutheran organizations.

To be recognized as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Partner, your faith community will:
  • Clearly state a welcome to people of “all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions” or “LGBTQIA+” and declare its commitment to "racial equity" or "anti-racism" in its welcome statement.
  • Be open to calling an LGBTQIA+, Black, Brown, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC) Rostered Leader. 
  • Allow sanctuary/community space/ to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings.
  • Make a meaningful contribution annually to support the national RIC program
If you are a Metropolitan New York Synod RIC Partner Congregation, we'd love to celebrate you!
Please contact DEM Mr. Branden Dupree at [email protected] for more information.
If your congregation wants to connect in regards to its Reconciling in Christ (RIC) faith journey, please contact Reconciling Works at [email protected].