Our PURPOSE is to live like Christ in our communities. The PRIORITY of our Synod is to have community-oriented pastors in all viable congregations. A key PRINCIPLE is to ensure reparative justice.

Find a Church

Single. Immigrant. Black. Gay. Trans. Divorced. Young. White. Disabled. Asian. Lesbian. Married. Old. Poor... JESUS DIDN'T TURN PEOPLE AWAY. NEITHER DO WE!

Anti-Racism Resources

The MNYS Anti-Racism Committee is actively implementing anti-racism efforts, as this is an essential element of Bishop Egensteiner's 2025 Vision.

Prayer Calendar

We envision a synod where everyone in every congregation is praying for every other congregation, one day at a time.



Reconciling Works (RIC)

Supporters of LGBTQIA+ people and families are not the minority in our Lutheran church, but are the growing majority.


Welcome to Sumud: For Justice in Palestine and Israel

The ELCA is committed to accompaniment, advocacy and awareness-raising in the Holy Land and the United States.


Local Law 97: Whom Does This Affect?

Local Law 97 is one of the most ambitious plans for reducing emissions in the nation.​

MNYS at a Glance

13.5 Million

People Living within the Synod Territory


Baptised Members


Members in Weekly Worship




Rostered Ministers & Synod Deacons

The territories of the Metropolitan New York Synod reside on the unceded lands of the Munsee Lenape, and Wappinger people; as well as those on [now] Long Island: the Lekawe, Merrick, Matinecock, Nissaquogue, Unkechaug, Secatogue, Setauket, Corchaug, Shinnecock, and Mannansett peoples. We encourage you to click the links and learn more about the Indigenous Peoples of our area, and hold their memory, and their descendants, in your prayers.
