Lutheran Schools Association
Laura Labenberg, Ed.D., executive director
Our Work
This year has been a year of re-growth for LSA. Over the summer of 2019, a new Executive Director was brought in, as well as four new members of the Board. In September, LSA’s Annual Fundraiser at Citifield was re-established. In October, an educational leadership workshop was held at LuHi and over 160 Lutheran educators attended. The Executive Director became a member of four academic committees in NYS and NYC DOEs, in order to give Lutheran Schools a voice among other independent and religious schools dealing with important issues, such Substantial Equivalency. The LSA website was updated and a Facebook page was set up to give a social media presence. The Executive Director visited many schools and met with their leaders in order to establish the needs of the schools and to respond regarding LSA’s mission of serving as a facilitator, partner and advocate. Plans began for 2020 with the coordination of professional development workshops for our teachers, the Scripps Spelling Bee for our students, an annual awards and recognition dinner for our educators, and a Citifield event and golf tournament for our supporters.
LSA is pan-Lutheran and works with schools throughout New York State, from preschool through 12th grade. It hopes to foster a sense of community and purpose among all our educators. The world keeps changing, but Lutheran schools teach an unchangeable truth: God’s love through Jesus Christ!
We Are Church Together
The Lutheran Schools Association works to bring together 70 schools in the State of New York. Through educational workshops, conferences, meetings and communication, educators are able to come together to learn, share ideas and gather pertinent information.
Individuals and congregations can engage in the work of this committee by supporting our mission through volunteering, attending and/or sponsoring our events and schools.