The Rev. abby mohaupt

The Rev. abby mohaupt

Climate Change Activist


The Rev. abby mohaupt is a Presbyterian minister and a PhD student at Drew University in climate change and ecofeminist theology. She regularly blogs at www.featheology.org, and her writing on earth care has appeared in Sojourners, the Presbyterian Church USA’s Unbound, and Ecclesio.

“I don’t know if we can turn the tide on climate change.
I don’t know if we who are white will ever fully give up the sin of racism.
These are sins that we must see, recognize, and confess.
But I do know this: in Genesis the ground we’re made from is the topsoil—the hearty two inches of earth from which life comes.
In the coming days, we will welcome the birth and life of Jesus—who comes into this broken world to be with us, and to work alongside us in our brokenness. 
This is the baby who will show us how to love each other, creation, and God,
and who will love us in all our pieces.

And with all creation we proclaim—Alleluia. Amen.”

An excerpt from “From the Ground to the Road: A Sermon on Race and Climate Change by abby mohaupt”
