Dear Synod Assembly Attendees,

Welcome to Metro New York Synod’s 2019 Synod Assembly! This is an exciting Assembly for our synod, as we are electing a new bishop who will serve us for the next six years. The Planning Committee, Worship Committee, and synod staff have all been working very hard to make this a prayerful and positive experience as we discern the future of our synod.
I hope you take the time to read the Bulletin of Reports to see all of GOD’S WORK that is going on throughout our synod—with OUR HANDS. Please also be sure to visit our many committees and companions who have display tables set up outside the ballroom.
Our theme this year is Care for Creation. Keeping that in mind, please remember that we aim to do our best to be as much of a “paperless” assembly as we can be. Our agenda, all the reports, and the financial statements can all be found in the Guidebook and on our website. In addition, we will be using the voting devices as much as possible.
Again, on behalf of the 2019 Synod Assembly Planning Committee, I welcome you to the 2019 Synod Assembly.
May God richly bless us with the Holy Spirit in our three days together.
In Christ,

Ms. Elizabeth Hoffmann, Chair
Synod Assembly Planning Committee