2022 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MNYS ASSEMBLY | Nominations & Elections
*Nominations by the Conference
BALLOT 01: Synod Council Officer | Vice-President

Mr. Christopher Vergara (ELECTED)
Saint Peter's, Manhattan
Church Leadership
- President | Saint Peter’s Church Council (Former)
- Member | MNYS Advocacy Taskforce Chair
- Member | ELCA Churchwide Memorials Committee
Community Leadership
- Gotham Knights Rugby Football Club Founder
- Member | Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries Prop Board
- University of Michigan: School of Music, Theatre, and Dance | Student Queer Affinity Group
- As a first-generation Latinx native NYer, who found the Lutheran tradition in high school, I’m excited to use the abundant & diverse gifts God has given us to the service of the gospel in our synod.
*The Committee on Nominations and Elections nominates candidates for vice-president. Per the Standing Rules of the Assembly, “floor nominations are not possible during a digital special meeting. To accommodate for floor nominations, the nominations process was extended to April 18, 2022."
BALLOT 02: Synod Council Officer | Secretary

The Rev. Robert Shoepflin (ELECTED)
Abiding Presence, Fort Salonga
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
- Northport Ecumenical Council
- Kings Park Ecumenical Council
- I have served as Synod Secretary since first being elected in 2010 and am willing to continue serving if elected by the Assembly.
*The Synod Council nominates candidates for secretary. Per the Standing Rules of the Assembly, “floor nominations are not possible during a digital special meeting. To accommodate for floor nominations, the nominations process was extended to April 18, 2022."

BALLOT 03: Synod Council Clergywoman | Southwest Nassau*

The Rev. Linda Manson (ELECTED)
Good Shepard, Roosevelt
Church Leadership
- Chair | MNYS Consultation Committee
- Anti-Racism Team | Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod
- Homeless and Justice Network Leadership Team | ELCA
Community Leadership
- Roosevelt School District Clergy Circle
- Board Member | Seafarer's International House
- I have agreed to be the nominee for this role on behalf of the Southwest Nassau Conference.
*The Southwest Nassau Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05
For further questions please contact Southwest Nassau Dean, The Rev. David Anglada.

BALLOT 04: Synod Council Clergywoman | Western Suffolk*

The Rev. Patty Avila (ELECTED)
Ascension, Deer Park
Church Leadership
- Latina Evangelist | Epiphany Lutheran Church/Resurreccion Latino Mission | Hempstead | 1993-1997
- Synodical Deacon and Latino Evangelist | Redeemer Lutheran Church | Queens Village | 1997-2003
- Mission Developer | Ascension Lutheran Church/Mision Latina de Ascensión | Deer Park | 2011-Present
Community Leadership
- Long Island Jobs with Justice | AMOS
- I have shared the good news of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to Latino communities in NY for the past 30 years. During these years, I have learned so much about these communities and their eagerness for a closer relationship with God. As a Christian of the Lutheran faith, I have been able to preach about the amazing grace of our Lord Jesus and how God is accessible to ALL [...] it is with great honor that I accept to be the nomination from the Western Suffolk Conference as their Clergy delegate for Synod Council and serve in this capacity. Thank you.
*The Western Suffolk Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05
For further questions please contact Southwest Nassau Dean, The Rev. Joanne Bond.

BALLOT 05: Synod Council Clergyman | Southeast Queens*

The Rev. Ernst Mossl (ELECTED)
Christ, Newburgh
Church Leadership
- Pastor | Christ Lutheran Church
- Dean | Delaware-Hudson Conference
- Coverage Pastor
Community Leadership
- Volunteer | Shepherd's Kitchen | Newburgh
- Board Member | Baby Steps Baby Pantry | Newburgh
- Member | Greater Newburgh Interfaith Council
- I will serve as best I can to witness to Jesus Christ and His church.
*This conference did not provide a nominee during the Conference Nominations period. This candidate was nominated during the Open Nominations period.
BALLOT 06: Synod Council Clergyman | Bronx*

The Rev. David Parsons (ELECTED)
St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
- Member | MNYS Council
- Co-Chair | MNYS Commission for Gay and Lesbian People
- Member | MNYS Anti-Racism Committee
Community Leadership
- Advisory Council | Prospect Hills Senior Services Center
- I have enjoyed my term on Synod Council. If re-elected, I would be honored to serve.
*This conference did not provide a nominee during the Conference Nominations period. This candidate was nominated during the Open Nominations period.
BALLOT 07: Synod Council Laywoman | Northeast Queens*

*This conference did not submit a nomination. This position will be deferred to the Synod Council.

BALLOT 08: Synod Council Laywoman | Brooklyn Bridges*

Ms. Monique Davis (ELECTED)
Epiphany, Hempstead
Church Leadership
- Vice-President | Epiphany Church Council
Community Leadership
- Executive Board Member | NAACP | Hempstead Branch
- I am extremely honored to be nominated. I anticipate working well with fellow members to honorably uphold the duties and responsibilities of a Synod Council member.
*This conference did not provide a nominee during the Conference Nominations period. This candidate was nominated during the Open Nominations period.
BALLOT 09: Synod Council Layman | Delaware-Hudson*

S. Dcn. Dave Ehlers (ELECTED)
St. John's, Lindenhurst
Church Leadership
- Assisting Minister
- Synodical Deacon
- Lector
Community Leadership
- Member | MNYS Council
- Member | MNYS Council Executive Committee
- Hospital Visitations
- After serving a term on the Synod Council, I’ve learned that diversity is a strength within our synod. I’m proud to represent my church and an LGBTQ+ perspective within our synod.
*This conference did not provide a nominee during the Conference Nominations period. This candidate was nominated during the Open Nominations period.
BALLOT 10: Synod Council Layman | Eastern Nassau*

Mr. Tom Sargent (ELECTED)
St. John's, Bellmore
Church Leadership
- President | St. John's Church Council (Former)
- Member | St. John's Church Council
- Confirmation Teacher
Community Leadership
- PTA Member | West Hempstead High School & Middle School
- Member | MNYS Council
- I have enjoyed serving my first term on Synod Council, and I'd be honored to serve a second.
*The Eastern Nassau Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05
For further questions please contact Southwest Nassau Dean, The Rev. Micah Stumme.
BALLOT 11: Synod Council Lay Male | At-Large

S. Dcn. Philip Jenks (ELECTED)
St. Paul's, Rye Brook
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
- I am eager to continue my lifelong opportunity to serve Christ’s mission.

BALLOT 12: Synod Council BIPOC/Multicultural | At-Large

Mr. Cecil Spurlock-Shackleton (ELECTED)
Good Shepherd, Roosevelt
Church Leadership
- Member | MNYS Council
- Member | Bishop's Vision Team
- Voting Member | Churchwide Assembly
Community Leadership
- District Chair | My Brother’s Keeper | Brooklyn
- I gained valuable experience and insight during my first term on Synod Council. I enthusiastically look forward to continuing the work of the church and supporting our Bishop.

BALLOT 13: Synod Council Youth | At-Large

Mr. Aidan Sargent (ELECTED)
St. John's, Bellmore
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
- Representative | WHHS Key Club
- Stage Manager | WHHS Play
- I have enjoyed serving in this position over the past year. It would be an honor to continue to serve on the Synod Council and provide a youth perspective to our discussions.
BALLOT 14: Consultation Committee | Clergywoman

The Rev. Marcia Parkinson-Harrison (ELECTED)
Resurrection, St. Albans
Church Leadership
- Co-Chair | MNYS Anti-Racism Committee
- Dean | Southeast Queens Conference
- Treasurer | Black Pastors Group of the MNYS
Community Leadership
- Police Liaison
- Member | Community Board 12
- Mentorship Program for Saint Albans
- I am committed to the church and carrying out the work that God has called us to do.

BALLOT 15: Consultation Committee | Clergyman

The Rev. John Saraka (ELECTED)
Zion, Staten Island
Church Leadership
- Synod Council Member | Upstate NY Synod (Former)
- Anti-Racism Team | Upstate NY Synod (Former)
Community Leadership
- Board Member | Eger Nursing Home
- Board Member | LSSNY
- I am honored to be nominated and to serve the Synod in any way I can. I have 26 years of ordained ministry. Thank you for this opportunity.

BALLOT 16: Consultation Committee | Laywoman

Ms. Elaine Peters-Guthrie (ELECTED)
Our Saviour, Jamaica
Church Leadership
- Chair | Transition Team | Our Saviour
- Chair | Call Committee | Our Saviour
Community Leadership
- Due to time constraints, I do not currently hold any Community Leadership positions outside the church, but I am open to doing so in the years ahead.
- I am honored to be nominated, and I look forward to serving on the Consultation Committee.

BALLOT 17: Consultation Committee | Layman

Mr. Peter Tomasai (ELECTED)
St. Peter's, Port Jervis
Church Leadership
- Council President | St. Peter's
Community Leadership
- Member | Port Jervis Volunteer Fire Dept.
- It is an honor to be asked to serve, and if I can be of any help, I offer my time, attention, and faith to the best of my ability to whatever is asked of me.

BALLOT 18: Discipline Committee | Clergywoman

The Rev. Dr. Joann Heaney-Hunter (ELECTED)
St. Stephen's, Hicksville
Church Leadership
- Pastor | St. Stephen's Lutheran Church
Community Leadership
- Chairperson | Psychotherapy Commission of ACPE (Association of Clinical Pastoral Educators)
- From 2002 to 2014, I served on sex abuse review boards for the Diocese of Brooklyn. Knowing the importance of this committee for the church, I am willing to serve.

BALLOT 19: Discipline Committee | Clergyman

The Rev. Alex Raabe (ELECTED)
Oceanside Lutheran Church
Church Leadership
- Co-Chair | MNYS Anti-Racism Committee
Community Leadership
- President | Oceanside Interfaith Committee (Former)
I will serve this committee faithfully so that our synod can be a place of justice and peace as we facilitate disciplinary proceedings.

BALLOT 20: Discipline Committee | Laywoman
Ms. Jeanne Matson (ELECTED)
Gustavus Adolphus, Manhattan
Church Leadership
- President | Gustavus Adolphus Church Council
Community Leadership
- Adult Advisor | Post 53-EMS | Darien, CT
- Board Member | National Cooperative Business Association
- President | PEO Sisterhood
- I have a strong Christian faith and was raised in the Lutheran Church. I joined Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church in 1981 and have served in many roles over the years, including Council Member, Lay Assistant, and Treasurer. My faith is important to me, and I am looking forward to serving the ELCA in a new capacity.

BALLOT 21: Discipline Committee | Layman*

*MNYS did not receive a nomination for this ballot. This position will be deferred to the Synod Council.