
Results: 288 Articles found.

    2023 MNYS Assembly

    The theme for our 2023 Synod Assembly will be “Live Like Christ in Our Communities.” This is the same theme we will use for all our efforts and events during the 2023-2024 program year. The 2023 Synod Assembly will be held May 5-6 at the Marriott Melville Long Island, 1350 Walt Whitman Rd, Melville, NY 11747.

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    2023 Metro NY Synod Assembly

    The 2023 Synod Assembly is scheduled for May 5 and 6 at the Melville Marriott Long Island.

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  • ELCA_Sally_Azar_HERO

    ELCA: Statement on Ordination of First Female Palestinian Pastor in the Holy Land

    The ordination of the first woman in Palestine is no accident. It is the result of the prayerful discernment, theological reflection and concerted effort of the ELCJHL — the first member of the Lutheran World Federation to adopt its Gender Justice Policy.

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  • Eaton_HERO

    ELCA: A Statement on Anti-Transgender Legislation

    We must stand together, dear church, faithfully advocating for the full humanity and dignity of all people. Let us recognize and affirm the humanity of our transgender and nonbinary siblings. Let us advocate for their dignity. Let us continue to be guided by God’s love and compassion as we seek justice and equality for everyone.

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  • ELCA and Catholic Church Meet for 13th National Ecumenical Dialogue

    Theologians and scholars representing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met Dec. 6-8, 2022, to engage in an ecumenical, theological dialogue at St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore.

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Results: 288 Articles found.