Child Youth and Family Ministry Network
The Child Youth and Family Ministry (CYFM) Network works to have a grace-filled impact on children, youth, emerging adults, and families throughout our synod. This will boldly empower all of us to live out our baptismal call in the world. We focus on:
- Baptismal Identity: articulating a shared theological understanding based in the baptismal covenant--CYFM is at the heart of ministry, with every person equally valued from infants to older adults.
- Connectivity: strengthening the network of support for CYFM by connecting people, congregations, conferences, and communities.
- Equipping: providing training that empowers leadership development in CYFM.
We want to know your stories! -- and to share them with other congregations. Are you planning an event? Let us know and we will help get the word out.
For more information, contact chairperson Synod Deacon Charlie Germain at 845-225-4698.