2023 Bronx Conference Report
The Rev. Jeanine Owens
The Rev. Jim O'Hanlon - outgoing dean
We Are Resilient TOGETHER
The pandemic and pastoral transitions have impacted the Bronx Conference tremendously. However, despite these challenges, we have begun to meet monthly to engage in Sunday morning pericope and discuss what we face as pastors serving communities amid radical change. Most recently, the Church of the Abiding Presence partnered with Fordham Evangelical Lutheran Church in the imposition of ashes at a local train station.

We Are Hopeful TOGETHER
We are resilient people! God has caused us to pause and reflect inwardly and outwardly during this season of "doing a new thing." We are seeing a slow but steady return to fellowship activities in our churches and we continue to meet the needs of our communities by staying faithfully engaged in God's mission.
We Are Church Together — Living Like Christ in Our Communities!
We invite the community to attend in-person or streamed worship services to learn more about neighborhood outreach events, the operation of food pantries, and health fairs.