Tappan Zee
The Rev. Jennifer Boyd & The Rev. Jim O’Hanlon
Our Work
The Tappan Zee Conference has been blessed to share Bishop Paul Egensteiner from our midst to the synod. While we miss his persistent presence in our weekly text study, we are pleased to share him with others.
We continue to meet weekly as rostered leaders to discuss the coming Sunday’s lectionary readings (both from the Revised Common lectionary, as well as the Narrative lectionary). We take turns in leading the discussion of the week’s texts and sharing our own insights, questions and reflections. During these weekly gatherings, we also discuss our ministries, and address issues in the world and wider church.
We have gathered socially with parties hosted by Pastor Marv Henk (Laetere Party) and Pastor Jennifer Boyd (Labor day picnic), as well as farewell lunches, as people took new calls (Carol Fryer and Paul Egensteiner).
We met twice during the year for Conference meetings. Last spring, we met at Trinity in White Plains for a Town Hall meeting with Interim Bishop McCoid regarding the discernment process for the bishop’s election.
This fall, we met at St. Andrew’s in Yorktown for worship and then conversation with Christopher Vergara regarding the Synod’s current ministry with AMMPARO. We also heard from Pastor Dave Dockweiler about the recent mission trip to Guatemala and a representative from Hearts & Homes who is working with St. John’s in Mamaroneck.
A few of our churches held an annual Confirmation retreat in the fall. Last year, we met at Camp Herrlich with about 15 students, exploring how we live out our faith and grow in relationship with God and one another.
A couple of our congregations are in transition: Emanuel, Pleasantville (Roger Berner, interim) and Grace, Scarsdale (Anne Tiemeyer, interim). We welcomed new pastors to our conference: Pastor Kimberlie Lile (chaplain @ Wartburg & United), and Pastor Jonathan Recabarren (St. Matthew’s, White Plains).
We are blessed by strong collegiality in our conference and by the ways Christ’s love and grace are revealed to and through us.

We Are Church Together
Looking to the future TOGETHER!
We are seeking to make contact with the Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry, where many immigrant children are being held. Our hope is to find ways to expand the Synod’s AMMPARO initiative in this area.