Learning How To Love One Another
May 01, 2020
By The Rev. Mary Chang, Stated Supply Pastor at St. Jacobi Evangelical Lutheran Church, Brooklyn

It has been eight weeks since I’ve been home and kept social distance in New York City! I am a senior, grandma, mother, chaplain, and retired pastor! I get an agitated feeling in my heart, anxious about the unknown future; I guess it’s a common ground for some. Get mad and angry with Chinese for bringing this virus here and spreading it around the rest of the world! Is that some kind of hate crime or just an excuse to blame “Chinese??” I believe it is wretched ignorance and racism. You are all in my prayers.
I think it’s easier to blame others, but that will never resolve the problem! COVID-19 makes us feel devastated; we’re getting nowhere with quick fixes. The whole world has paused, becoming one race attacked by this unknown virus. Dying from COVID-19 could be a reality for all, regardless of race, color, gender, nationality, political view, education, or financial position. This pandemic doesn’t request an ID to enter this field of death. We all equally share this life-or-death threatening feeling...
I’m preaching to the empty pews, in this big empty church. Just reflecting my thoughts about where we will be going from this point on as a Clergy, and as Church. Maybe the first letter of St Peter 2:9-10 will give us some hope: "Within Christ, there's light, so that there's no more darkness! But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order to proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light!" Is this the only way we can change and learn how to love one another as Jesus commanded his disciples at the Last Supper?
Is this the way we can embrace our differences: unified in Christ’s love and become one body in our Lord Jesus Christ?! Let’s pray this horrible situation can go from segregation to unification in Christ! May this beautiful dream come true, for Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed; Hallelujah.