Christopher Vergara
Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan
Church Leadership
President, Saint Peter’s Church
Executive Committee/Synod Council, MNYS
Member, ELCA AMMPARO Network
As a first generation Latinx native NYer, who found the Lutheran tradition in high school, I’m excited by the opportunities & challenges to use the diverse & abundant gifts God has given us to the service of the gospel in OUR synod.

Petra (Renee) Wicklund
Our Savior, Port Washington
Church Leadership
Reference & Counsel (five years as chairperson)
Synod Council (three years on Executive Committee)
Church Council Secretary (at Trinity LESP)
God is good. If by the Holy Spirit’s guidance this Synod determines that my time for greater service has come, then I will aspire to serve competently and gratefully.

Rev. Robert Schoepflin
Abiding Presence, Fort Salonga
Church Leadership
Secretary, Metropolitan New York Synod
Board Member, Long Island Lutheran Day School
I have served as Synod Secretary since first being elected in 2010 and am willing to continue serving if elected by the Assembly.

Rev. Justin Lathrop
Ascension, Deer Park
Church Leadership
Metro DC Synod Council Exec. Cmt.
Western Suffolk Conference Secretary
LuHi Head of School Search Cmt.
I would like to offer a steadying voice to congregations in crisis.

Rev. Peter Rustico
St. John's, Middletown
Church Leadership
Former Dean, Delaware-Hudson Conference
Former member of Synod Worship Committee
Muhlenberg College Alumni Board
I was nominated for this position by the Synod. If I am elected to serve I would gladly seek to help congregations in conflicted situations, drawing on my 36 years of experience as a parish pastor.

Carole Brosnan
Ascension Lutheran Church, Franklin Square
Church Leadership
Church council,
synodically rostered deacon
Honored to be considered for this position.

Deacon Anita Martin-Williams
New Hope Jamaica, Queens
Church Leadership
Church Outreach Committee
Property Committee.

Madelyn Soussoudis
Advent Lutheran Church
Church Leadership
MNYS Candidacy Committee
Lay Member Advent
Various committees and ministries including last Call Committee Diakonia graduate
Prior location manager
I am a long time member of the ELCA, graduate of the diakonia adult Christian education program, prior location manager of the diakonia Queens location, current lay member on the MNYS Candidacy Committee, and consistent volunteer and lay leader of committees and ministries at my home church.

Rev. Wilbert Miller
Evangelical Lutheran church of the Epiphany, Laurelton
Church and Community Leadership
Synod Council Member
Multicultural Committee Chair
It will be my honor and privilege to have the opportunity to participate in the decision making body of the Metro NY Synod. I have long been concerned and involved in Synod wide and local church governance even prior to my ordination; serving as chair of the Multicultural commission, Synod Anti-Racism Team, congregational council president, etc.

Rev. Chryll D. Crews
Saint Stephen's/Saint Paul's
Church Leadership
LMHE Board Member
Reference and Counsel Member
I’m interested in representing the South Shore Conference and ADLA as a Synod Council member. I believe my leadership skills developed through pastoring, pastoral care, and legal studies will be an asset to the council.

Rev. Marva Jenkins
Evangelical Lutheran church of the Epiphany, Laurelton
Church and Community Leadership
Synod Council Member
Multicultural Committee Chair
It will be my honor and privilege to have the opportunity to participate in the decision making body of the Metro NY Synod. I have long been concerned and involved in Synod wide and local church governance even prior to my ordination; serving as chair of the Multicultural commission, Synod Anti-Racism Team, congregational council president, etc.

Rev. Justin Johnson
Trinity, Kingston
Church Leadership
Synod Council
Anti Racism team
RIT Campus Pastor (Upstate NY)
My focus is on race issues, LGBTQ+, youth, and campus ministry.

Rev. Donald Lemke
Gloria Dei, New Hyde Park
Church Leadership
Regional Director for Lutherans Concerned MNYS
Interim Pastor in Western ND and MNYS
For me to serve is to work within and outside of the usual in order to break the bounds of normalcy and create a new and vibrant community.

Rev. David C. Parsons
St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
MNYS Commission For Gay & Lesbian People (past co-chair)
MNYS Anti-Racism Committee
Dean, Brooklyn Bridges Conf. (2 terms)
I feel called to serve on synod Council. I will seek to listen more than I speak, and foster a spirit of transparency, diversity and equity.

Rev. Daniel Penumaka
St. Paul's International Lutheran Church, Floral Park
Church and Community Leadership
Pastor, St. Paul's International Lutheran Church
Synod Council Member
Conference of Deans
ELCA-Asian Church Planning Team Mgmt
I thank the Lord for giving me an opportunity to serve on Synod Council. God has blessed.

Rev. Harry Schenkel
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, East Northport
Church Leadership
Excecutive Committee
MNYS Synod Council
Board Member- LI Lutheran Day School
It has been my honor and privilege to serve over the last four years on the MNYS Synod Council. If God so chooses, I would be willing to continue to serve.

Wendy Bean Tannenbaum
St. Paul's Lutheran, East Northport
Church Leadership
Synod Council Member 2014 - 2018
Synod Capital Improvement Challenge Grant Review Committee
St. Paul's Ministry Partnership Committee
Focused on advancing our synod's strategic plan to build bridges, serve others, address social issues and grow in our relationship with God.

Hazel R. Golstein
St. John's Lutheran Church, Middletown
Church Leadership
MNYS Gathered Strategy Chair
MNYS Assembly Committee
St. John's Church Council VP
Our synod offers wonderful opportunities for training, growth and support to all our congregations. It is a privilege to be part of the opportunity to serve the people of our synod.

Barbara Holm
Our Saviour, Mineola
Church Leadership
Treasurer - 2000-2017
I have served my congregation since I was in my 20's and would like to expand my service.

Deacon Anita Martin-Williams
New Hope, Jamaica, Queens
Church Leadership
Church Outreach Committee
Property Committee.

Dave Ehlers
St. John's, Lindenhurst
Community Leadership
Eagle Scout
Fund raising for Amityville and St. John's
The church saved me. Absent during my 20s, something was missing in my life. I hope I can represent a diverse point of view to make sure we are reaching out to everyone to share God's love for us.

John D. Litke
St. Peter's, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Congregation President
Synod Vice President
ELCA Task Forces
The Synod and its congregations are in a period of great change. I have the experience to govern wisely at this time.

Cecil B. Spurlock-Shackelton
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Roosevelt
Church Leadership
Director of Youth Ministries
I enthusiastically submit my application for nomination to serve in a capacity that allows me to be impactful within my Church community.

Marret Arfsten
Bethlehem Lutheran, Baldwin
Church Leadership
Adult Advisor, MNYS LYO Board
Publicity Director, Pinecrest Lutheran Leadership Ministries
MNYS Synod Day Coordinator, National Youth Gathering 2018
I am hoping to be able to serve the church at a higher level, and represent the interests and needs of my generation.

Rev. Ann Tiemeyer
Advent New York
Church Leadership
ELCA Justice for Women Consulting Committee
National Council of Churches - Associate General Secretary for Joint Action and Advocacy
Legislative Team for Good Soil - working for full inclusion in the ELCA
Having attended past assemblies as a voting member, I am glad to share my experience with new voting members to help them negotiate the complexities of a churchwide assembly. I would be privilege and honored if elected to serve the whole church in important way.

Rev. Harriet Wieber
Holy Trinity, Flatbush, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
Dean of South Shore Lutheran Conference;
Diaconate Council
I would consider it a privilege to serve our Synod in this way. I am reminded of my confirmation verse which I received so many years ago: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15.

Rev. Joel K. Brandt
Gloria Dei, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Chair, Reference & Counsel MNYS 2016-2018
Member of MNYS Claimed Committee
In my 30th year of ordained ministry, I'm very interested in attending my first Churchwide Assembly.

Rev. Lenny A. Duncan
Jehu's Table, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
Vicar (3 years), St. Mark's SEPA Synod
National Evangelist #decolonizelutheranism SEPA Synod Anti Racism Team
It is my sincere desire to represent and advocate for this synod and its peoples. These are times that are full of promise and hope for the church, but are also times for clear assessments of where we stand, and truth telling in the name of Jesus and each other.

Rev. David M. Grainson
Holy Trinity, Rockville Centre
Church Leadership
MNYS Diaconal Council
I would be incredibly honored to represent the Metro New York Synod at the Church Wide Assembly.

Rev. Paul Milholland
Trinity, Astoria/LIC
Church Leadership
Synod Council MNYS
Executive Committee
Assembly Committee
To serve the gospel of God's love and see it realized around the world.

Rev. Kevin O'Hara
Lutheran Church of Our Savior, Patchogue
Church Leadership
Steering Committee Secretary/Treasurer for Peconic Conference
Sent Committee Member
Synod Assembly Planning Committee Member
My mother's faith is pivotal in my own life's journey and I wouldn't be who I am without her encouragement. As we discern our statement on women and justice, I would love to vote in honor of her.

Rev. David C. Parsons
St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
Dean, Brooklyn Bridges Conference (2 Terms)
MNYS Anti-Racism Committee
MNYS Commission For Gay & Lesbian People (past co-chair)
I would be honored to serve. I will do my best to be prepared, and to participate as fully and thoughtfully as possible.

Rev. Arden C. Strasser
St. Luke's New York
Church Leadership
Synod Worship Committee
As a missionary in S. Africa for 8 years, and having led congregations on both coasts, I bring a down to earth grasp of the ELCA, the global church, and passion for her mission. I'll speak faithfully to our MNYS memorials.

Susan Brandt
Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Synod Council, Rocky Mountain Synod
Stewardship Committee Chair, Rocky Mountain Synod
Stephen Leader, Southeast Michigan Synod
Assemblies are important work of the church. We discuss and reflect on our mission and decide future steps. We pray, study, and worship. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve the synod as a Churchwide Assembly

Cynthia D. Corley
New Hope, Jamaica, Queens
Church Leadership
Co-Chair Call Committee New Hope Jamaica
Executive Committee MNYS Council
I have been a lifelong Lutheran. I am daily growing in my relationship with Jesus Christ. As I grow, God is revealing gifts for me to share with others. I see this as an opportunity to continue my growth through service.

Deacon Anita Martin-Williams
New Hope, Jamaica, Queens
Church Leadership
Church Outreach Committee
Property Committee.

Alex Lawrence
Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish
Church Leadership
Choir Director, Previous Member of Sower's Project
As the leader of a service ministry for the church, I'm excited to bring my perspective the wider church.

John D. Litke
St. Peter's, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Congregation President
Synod Vice President
ELCA Task Forces
I have the experience and knowledge of the ELCA to make informed decisions during the…..

Rev. Lenny A. Duncan
Jehu's Table, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
Vicar (3 years), St. Mark's SEPA Synod
National Evangelist #decolonizelutheranism SEPA Synod Anti Racism Team
The strategy for authentic diversity, the memorial on African Descent lives and its implementation, as well as a church wrestling with the most divided time politically in this country since the civil war. It is my sincere desire to represent and advocate for this synod and its people.

Deacon Paul E. Lumpkin
King of Kings, New Windsor
Church Leadership
Synodical Deacon
Synod Sent Committee
Synod Council (2 terms)
Previous voting member of ELCA, love doing God's work.

Maritza Tamayo
Trinity Astoria/LIC
Church Leadership
Church Council
Stewardship Chair
Conversaciones biblicas en Español
Serving will give me the opportunity to voice the needs of those from other backgrounds.