Welcome: Synod Assembly Planning Committee

Dear Friends in Christ,
On behalf of the Assembly Planning Committee, welcome to the 2018 Metro New York Synod Assembly! We are so very glad you will be with us for two days of Building Bridges within our synod. We have a full agenda for you, with elections, resolutions, reports and presentations from various committees, task forces and partner organizations, and of course, a chance to meet and listen to our interim bishop, the Rev. Donald J. McCoid. The Planning Committee has been working very hard to ensure that although the agenda is full, there will still be time for you to greet old friends, meet new ones and learn a bit more about our synod.
Our agenda group has tried to accommodate every request for agenda time and forum or workshop time. We will have multiple times to attend these, as well as attending hearings on all the resolutions that were submitted by the deadline. Our Friday evening Festival Eucharist will even include an ordination this year!
We are trying to continue to build on themes from past assemblies, and hope that this year’s theme of Building Bridges offers you an opportunity to see how our synod is building bridges, not only in our congregations, but also in the world—as it relates to immigration, LGBTQ, racism, hunger, and women’s issues. Through our presentations, reports and display tables, you will learn how all these issues, plus many, many more, are being addressed here at MNYS. Together, we can learn how to build bridges between each other and help each other.
In this bulletin of reports, you will find much information about the assembly, our synod’s different ministries, and our ministry partners, both here within our synod and churchwide. Included in Section A are also the biographies of the nominated persons for Synod Officers, Synod Council, Churchwide Assembly, Consultation Committee, and Discipline Committee.
I hope you enjoy seeing all the pictures of the many different bridges. Who knew there were so many? Let us prayerfully begin our journey and then cross the many bridges within our synod, both symbolically and physically.
In Christ,

Ms. Elizabeth Hoffmann, Chair
Synod Assembly Planning Committee