Interim Bishop Donald J. McCoid

I extend a warm welcome to each of you. It is a welcome that includes your presence at one of the most important assemblies of the Metropolitan New York Synod. In this year, we will elect a new Bishop, lift our commitment to Care for Creation, hear about significant ministries, and affirm our partnership within our synod and as members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

“As we consider the Care of Creation, we lift up being a part of the ELCA’s collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow. It is a commitment to pursue wholeness for creation".
We are grateful to have our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton with us at this assembly. We welcome her and give thanks for her leadership for our ELCA and our global communion of churches. Bishop Eaton has been an inspiration for us in the changing times in our world, and the challenges in church and society.
As we consider the Care of Creation, we lift up being a part of the ELCA’s collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow. It is a commitment to pursue wholeness for creation. It involves faith-based organizations elevating their leadership on the moral, religious and justice issues surrounding climate change.
Bishop Eaton stated: “The present movement is a critical and urgent one, filled with both challenge and opportunity to act as individuals, citizens, leaders, and communities of faith, in solidarity with God’s good creation and in hope of our shared future.”
As I grandfather, I often think of the church and the world that future generations will inherit. Our actions and decisions now certainly will influence the church and the world in generations to come.
So, dear friends in Christ, may we join together to worship, to pray, to elect a new bishop, to see our synod and ELCA’s ministries bear fruit, and to offer our commitment to our Lord, to His Church, and to the world that God continues to love and redeem. I extend my love to each of you.
May these days shared together be a special time in our life together in God’s love. Reach out in renewing and making new friends in Christ.
Sincerely in Christ,

The Rev. Donald J. McCoid, Interim Bishop