Dear Friends in Christ,
Welcome to this 2022 (Digital) Special Meeting of the MNYS Assembly. In our gathering, we will celebrate our being church together while taking care of pertinent business for the well-being of our organization during this year.
As we continue to traverse the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be hosting this Special Meeting online, which will be familiar to many of us who attended last year’s regular Synod Assembly. This digital format will enable us to be more effective in our decision-making together and concisely conduct our business, of which, the main matter will be the election of Synod Council Officers and representatives, as well as members of the Discipline Committee and Consultation Committee. You will also hear a couple of reports from leaders in our synod, including our Vice-President, Renée Wicklund, who is concluding her term. We are very grateful for her faithful service to our synod!
I am excited to share this time with you as we work together to mold the future of our synod, as God intends. My prayer is that this Special Meeting will remind us that we are stronger and more effective in our witness to Jesus Christ when we work as Church, TOGETHER.
Yours in Christ,
+ Bishop Paul Egensteiner