Global Mission


Global Mission

As an American church in a global world, the ELCA has a presence in 158 countries. And as our synod is a local expression of that church, we have global partners – such as Lutheran World Federation ministries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America – who strengthen our mission here. Specifically, the synod’s global work includes:

Tanzania Companions

Since 1998, the North Western Diocese (NWD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania has been our companion. Our primary focus there is Christian education. We have supported a primary school, Iluhya Secondary School, Mwangaza Partnership for Education, and HUYAWA (an organization serving those with HIV-AIDS).

World Hunger

Nearly 1 billion people around the world live with chronic hunger and poverty. You are engaging in global mission every time you donate to a food pantry, volunteer at a soup kitchen, buy fair trade items, give to ELCA World Hunger, or advocate with our elected officials for policies that will benefit hungry people.

ELCA’s HIV and AIDS Strategy

Recently named the "single greatest reversal in human development" in modern times, the HIV and AIDS crisis has already claimed more than 25 million lives. The ELCA is called to respond faithfully and effectively to this pandemic.
