Stewarship and Mission Support Table

Stewardship and Mission Support Table

The Stewardship and Mission Support Table is where synod staff, pastors and lay leaders discuss how to encourage generosity for the work of congregations and the wider church. For example, 15 to 18 persons came together to brainstorm, and the outcome was "Making Christ #1," the synod’s stewardship emphasis.

The table’s work is guided by the following principles and goals:

  • Asking pastors and lay leaders to set an example through tithing
  • Creating quadrant-based stewardship and mission support tables
  • Encouraging parishes to model generosity by tithing 10% for mission support
  • Expecting pastors to complete parochial reports, yearly reports to the bishop, and mission support commitment forms
  • Fostering stewardship formation as a spiritual discipline
  • Inviting each congregation to have a mission interpreter
  • Organizing an annual synodwide stewardship emphasis
  • Promoting a spirit of cheerful giving.

"Pray, Work, Share"

Contact Pastor Lamont Wells with questions.
