Mission Interpretation
Have you ever written a check to a charity, but wondered what difference your donation made, or if you could have done more? Mission Interpretation is a program for sharing what the synod is able to do because of giving. MI is an inspirational bridge between the work of the church and the thousands of people who fund that work. It boils down to telling the stories of how God works through us, our congregations, and our national and global church.
You are part of a wider church, whose ministries reach from your neighborhood to span the globe. You as the church are making a difference in this world. And that’s something to be proud of! Share this message by sharing these helpful resources with your congregation. Together we are lifting up stories of faith so that everyone can see God’s light shine.
For more information, contact Pr. Lamont Anthony Wells, Director of Evangelical Mission, at 212-870-2379 or [email protected].