
Southwest Nassau

2023 Southwest Nassau Conference Report 

The Rev. Martin R. Nale 


We Are Resilient TOGETHER

Initially, during the pandemic, the clergy in the Southwest Nassau Conference met intentionally on Wednesday mornings via Zoom. They shared personal weekly stories and congregational challenges to support each other, engaging in pericope study and prayer. More recently, the conference has not been able to meet, but we hope to get started again.  


We Are Hopeful TOGETHER

Work has begun on cooperative ministry endeavors. We are hoping to resume some of the cooperative activities that were done in the past before the pandemic. 


We Are Church Together — Living Like Christ in Our Communities!

If we seek authentic community connections and involvement, we need to be inviting, welcoming, transparent, and contextual in all of our activities and events. Furthermore, we need to use social media to communicate with the community at large. Various social media outlets must be used to distribute information about our many different ministries. In-person and streamed worship and other presentations must be made available to the community.
