Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia -
Metropolitan New York Synod Fund for Leaders (7C)
2023 Annual Report
Thank you to the people of Metropolitan New York Synod for making an investment in the future of the church through the ELCA Fund for Leaders. We are grateful for your partnership!
In the 2022-2023 academic year, the ELCA Fund for Leaders provided scholarship assistance of more than $3.4 million in support of 375 future pastors and deacons. Thank you for your role in ensuring that these future leaders will be freed from the burden of student debt, in order for them to go and serve as the church needs and the Holy Spirit leads.
Students supported in 2022-2023: Total $8,600
- Deivis Ventura: $8,600 United Lutheran Seminary
We are grateful that the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia/Metropolitan New York Synod Fund for Leaders (7C) has provided a total of $78,622.11 in scholarship awards since its
Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia-
Metropolitan New York Synod Fund for Leaders, E271406
Market value as of 12/31/2022: $100,820.38
New gifts given to fund in 2022: $0.00
Total amount available for you to award for 2023-2024: $3,700*
*This number is calculated with a 10% holdback to ensure that all promised scholarships can be paid during both semesters, even if the market fluctuates. Please issue awards in whole dollars.

Process and Timeline
2023 Guidelines for Synods
This document contains eligibility criteria and notes on the selection process and timeline.
2023 FFL synod nominations
Synods submit nominee information to FFL by May 1, 2023.
2023 Instructions for synod nominees
Synods send to each nominee by May 15. This document assists students registering/applying in ELCA GrantMaker.
Students register and apply: May 15 - June 5, 2023.
For more information, please visit or call our office at 800-638-3522, ext. 2936. Again, thank you to the people of Metropolitan New York Synod for your generous
support – we thank God for you!