Nominees are listed in the order their submissions were received.
BALLOT 1: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Clergy Female | Hudson

The Rev. Sonja Tillberg Maclary
Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Woodstock
Church Leadership
Dean, Hudson Conference
Consultation Committee
Chair, Congregations Task Group 2025 Vision
Community Leadership
Coordinator Good Neighbor's Food Pantry
Woodstock Clergy Council
Serving in the Hudson Conference for over 20 years, I bring geographical diversity and perspective to the synod council.
*The Hudson Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact the Hudson Dean, The Rev. Sonja Tillberg Maclary.
BALLOT 2: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Clergy Female | Tappan Zee

The Rev. Kristin Wuerffel
Trinity Lutheran Church, White Plains
Church Leadership
Pastor (as clergy), Confirmation Teacher (as lay) in MNYS; Campus Ministry leader (as lay) in Chicago.
Community Leadership
Board member at my kids' preschool, coach for kids' soccer.
The Church is gifted with the mission to spread Christ's light in the world. I hope to help that mission as a member of the synod council representing the Tappan Zee conference.
*The Tappan Zee Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact the Tappan Zee Deans, The Rev. Jennifer Boyd and The Rev. Jim O'Hanlon.
BALLOT 3: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Clergy Male | Western Nassau

The Rev. Dr. Justin Johnson
Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Croton-on-Hudson
Church Leadership
Evangelism Team, Anti-Racism Team, Synod Council
Community Leadership
Croton Diversity Committee, Croton Census Committee, Croton Houses of Worship
I care deeply for the future of the Synod and a focus on revitalization with a focus on POC and the LGBTQIA2S communities.

The Rev. Luis Echandia
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany/Grace Lutheran Church, Hempstead
Church Leadership
Two Points Parish Ministry
Community Leadership
Two Points Parish Ministry
Throughout my years as an Ordained Minister, I have had the opportunity to serve on three Synods, in each of which I have participated in various capacities. At MNYS I am serving in two congregations, one of which has a rapidly growing Hispanic Ministry. It is that Hispanic voice and representation that I want to bring to the MNYS Council.

The Rev. Kevin O’Hara
Emanuel, Pleasantville
Church Leadership
Pastor; Candidacy Committee Member; Synod Assembly Nominations and Elections Chair
Community Leadership
Pleasant Hill Nursery School Board Member; Pleasantville Clergy Association
If it is the will of God and this assembly, I will proudly serve to the best of my ability with God’s help.

The Rev. John Saraka
Zion Lutheran, Staten Island
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
Board of LSSNY, Eger Nursing Home
I have been a pastor for 25 years, serving the last seven on Staten Island. I continue to have a passion for the Gospel.
BALLOT 4: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Clergy Male | Manhattan

The Rev. Dr. Arden Strasser
St Luke's Lutheran Church, New York
Church Leadership
Pastor MNYS, ELCA Missionary (Zambia), Pastor (Sierra Pacific Synod)
Community Leadership
Board VP, Contact Care, Bay Area, CA 2004
Chair, Social Justice Alliance. Bay Area, CA 2005
Board President, International School of Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia 2012
I'm committed to dynamic churches in a changing landscape. I offer a passion for mission and skills in planning. I am honored to be nominated by the Manhattan Conference.
*The Manhattan Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact the Manhattan Deans, The Rev. Danielle Miller and The Rev. William Kroeze.
BALLOT 5: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Female | Peconic

Mary Downing
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran, Port Jefferson Station
Church Leadership
(Not at current church) President of Congregation Council, Sunday School Teacher, Congregation Council Secretary
Community Leadership
Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator
Congregations have strained relationships with the wider church due to misunderstanding and distrust. I hope to use my experience and skills to help alleviate this.
*The Peconic Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact the Peconic Dean, The Rev. Paul Downing.
BALLOT 6: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Female | Staten Island

Cynthia Roberti
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Staten Island
Church Leadership
President, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Council
Community Leadership
Eger Lutheran Homes and Services Board Member
Election to synod council carries with it the respect and trust of the entire conference. I truly appreciate your confidence and pray I will serve as the Holy Spirit leads.
*The Staten Island Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact the Staten Island Dean, The Rev. Wolfgang Laudert.
BALLOT 7: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Female | Western Queens

Lily Sage Mathias
Trinity Church of Astoria/Long Island City, Astoria
Church Leadership
Assistant Minister and Synod Council Member
Community Leadership
Bible Study Teacher
I am inspired to do the ministry work I do by the radical love of Christ, and the courage He gives me to speak against injustice and spread grace.
*The Western Queens Conference submitted this nomination and requested the ballot to be closed. This ballot is now closed per Action SA 2017:05.05. For further questions please contact Western Queens Dean, The Rev. Paul Milholland.
BALLOT 8: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Male | South-Shore Brooklyn

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 9: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Male | At-Large

Peter Teichmann
Gloria Dei, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
President, Church Council; Secretary, Church Council; Council Member
Community Leadership
Former coach and program director, Huntington YMCA Soccer
As a lifelong Lutheran and current lay leader, I am committed to using my time and talents to help re-imagine, the transitioning church as it faces new challenges within itself and with the church as it relates to our evolving communities.

Jeffrey Carstens
Church of Our Savior, Manhasset
Church Leadership
Congregation Council, Christian Education, Call Committee Chair
Community Leadership
Board of Directors, Ronald McDonald House; Ascent School for Autistic Children, Animal Rescue Shelter and Sanctuaries
I have been a lifelong Lutheran and member of the Church of Our Savior, Manhasset for more than 20 years serving in various positions of leadership. I spent nearly 40 years in the commercial banking industry working for several NYC-based banks in various executive-level positions and served on the boards of several not-for-profit organizations. I enthusiastically support the ministry and mission of the ELCA and the work being done at the Church of Our Savior in Manhasset. It would be an honor and privilege to serve and share some of my experience as a member of the Metropolitan New York Synod Council.
BALLOT 10: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Lay Person | At-Large (LGBTQIA+ recommended)

Devon Brooks
St. John’s, Manhattan
Church Leadership
Council member; Lay minister
Community Leadership
Intervarsity Christian Student Fellowship Chapter Student Leader; John Jay’s College for Criminal Justice and Borough of Manhattan Community College
Devon is a BIPOC LGBTQIA foster dad who is deeply interested in supporting children and gender equity. Currently, Devon is a Customer Relations Agent at the MTA for Paratranist services. Devon’s goal is to open an ELCA student campus club at his school—John Jay’s College for Criminal Justice, CUNY.
BALLOT 11: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | BIPOC/Multicultural Person | At-Large

The Rev. Sarah Geddada
St. Paul's International Lutheran Church, Floral Park
Church Leadership
Former Global Mission's Program Unit Board, Former EOCM unit- Revival Network Team member, Former Metro NY Synod Global Mission's Committee member.
Community Leadership
Public School 115 Leadership Team member, Parent Teacher Association- Vice President, M. S. 172 Parent Teacher Association Vice President and School Leadership team member.
As an Asian female with ministry experience and international exposure, I want to represent my ethnic group to contribute my gifts to the inclusive mission of God.

The Rev. Martha M. Cruz
St. Paul’s, Rye Brook
Church Leadership
Intentional Interim
Community Leadership
Interfaith Study Collaboration
I have been ordained for 40 years (two in the ELCA); committed to anti-racism; Cuban by birth; 30 years as denominational/ecumenical communicator; autism awareness advocate.

Denise Rutherford-Gill
Jehu’s Table, Brooklyn
Church Leadership
Convenor for Advisory Committee (Team)
Community Leadership
Cochair of ENY Knitting Circle; Team Coach YAI
I really believe in faith in action. Putting the values and tenets that I claim to have into my every day life I would like to serve and move our synod beyond those values that we say are important to us.
BALLOT 12: Synod Council | Four-Year Term (2024 - 2028) | Young Adult (18-30 y/o) | At-Large

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To Come
To Come
BALLOT 13: Synod Council | Two-Year Term (2024 - 2026) | Youth (16-18 y/o) | At-Large

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 15: Consultation Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Clergy Female

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 16: Consultation Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Clergy Male

The Rev. Christopher Chantelau
Grace, Yorktown
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
Various Groups and Associations
I served several years on the consultation committee of the DE/MD Synod. It was a blessing to be a resource to support the bishop and synodical leadership as they strove to respond to their calling to the synod.
BALLOT 17: Consultation Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Lay Female

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 18: Consultation Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Lay Male

Philip E. Jenks
St. Paul’s, Rye Brook
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
Retired journalist; director of communication and press relations for NCC and WCC
BALLOT 19: Discipline Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Clergy Female

The Rev. Dawn Morello
First Lutheran, Throggs Neck
Church Leadership
First Call Pastor
Community Leadership
Still getting to know new community
I am excited to be part of the larger church-beyond my congregation.

The Rev. Rebecca Pollicino
St. Peters, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Pastor; Council President; Call Committee Chair
Community Leadership
Growing in Faith Diakonia Executive Director
I believe in accountability and holding folks to ethical standards.
BALLOT 20: Discipline Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Clergy Male

The Rev. Luis Echandia
Lutheran Church of the Epiphany/Grace Lutheran, Hempstead
Church Leadership
Two Points Parish Ministry
Community Leadership
NAACP Member
Throughout my years as an Ordained Minister I have had the opportunity to serve on three Synods, in each of which I have participated in various capacities; including the Discipline Committee of the Southwestern Texas Synod. In MNYS I am serving in two congregations, one of which has a rapidly growing Hispanic Ministry. It is that Hispanic voice and representation that I want to bring to the MNYS Discipline Committee.

The Rev. Christopher Chantelau
Grace, Yorktown
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
Various Groups and Associations
I served several years on the disciplinary committee of the DE/MD Synod and found it to be a humbling honor to serve congregations and rostered ministers to resolve difficult situations faithfully and for the good of the church and it’s people.
BALLOT 21: Discipline Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Lay Female

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 22: Discipline Committee | Six-Year Term (2024 - 2030) | Lay Male

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 23: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Clergy Female (2)

The Rev. Leticia Alanis
Unidad y Fe, Queens
Church Leadership
Member of MNYS Vision Team and Mission Developer
Community Leadership
A leader in civic engagement in Woodhaven
I’m going to share the awesome things the Spirit is doing among diverse communities and bring back to MNYS other amazing things God is doing.

The Rev. J. Lena Warren
Good Shepherd, Pearl River
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
In my first call, I was very active in the synod, but coming to Metro New York, I took a backseat. I’m interested in getting more involved again. Perhaps churchwide isn’t the way to do that, but given my international connection to the church, I’ve always wanted to go to the churchwide assembly.

The Rev. Sonja Maclary
Christ's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Woodstock
Church Leadership
Consultation Committee; Dean, Hudson Conference 2016-22
Community Leadership
Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Woodstock; Nominations and Elections Committee
As a clergy female from the Hudson Conference, I seek to bring diversity of perspective and context to our synod’s churchwide delegation.

The Rev. Linda Bell
Good Shepherd, Roosevelt
Church Leadership
Community Leadership
Ordained mission developer. Supply pastor. Synod Assembly attendee. Proponent for justice, women’s rights, advocacy. For churchwide attendee.
BALLOT 24: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Clergy Male (2)

The Rev. Jared R. Stahler
Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan
Church Leadership
Internship Supervisor; MNYS Consultation & Worship Committees (former)
Community Leadership
Co-Chair, A Partnership of Faith NYC; Secretary, Midtown Arts Common
This is a consequential time for the future of the ELCA as we calibrate for changing contexts. I look forward to bringing constructive perspectives to the Assembly.

The Rev. Paul B. Milholland
Trinity Lutheran Church of Astoria/Long Island City, Astoria
Church Leadership
Western Queens Conference Dean, former Synod council & Executive committee member
Community Leadership
LGBT Network Consultation group on safe space for children
As our denomination speaks to the changing culture, I want to see that we are confessionally authentic with the gospel of Jesus Christ as the center of who and whose we are.

The Rev. Dr. Arden Strasser
St. Luke's Lutheran Church, New York
Church Leadership
Pastor of Saint Luke's Midtown Manhattan 3 years, ELCA Missionary to Zambia 8 years, Pastor Our Savior's Lutheran Lafayette, CA Sierra Pacific Synod
Community Leadership
Board of Directors, Contact Care Lafayette, CA. Board of Directors, Volunteer Missionary Movement, Milwaukee, WI. Board of Directors, American International School, Lusaka, Zambia
I care deeply about our congregations and value healthy synod structures. I have extensive leadership experience and am a good listener, facilitator, collaborator and worker.

The Rev. William R. Kroeze
Trinity Lower East Side, New York
Church Leadership
Chair, Metropolitan New York Synod Worship Committee; Co-Dean, Manhattan Conference of the Metropolitan New York Synod; President of the Board, Lutheran Ministries in Higher Education
Community Leadership
Board Member and Treasurer, Trinity's Services and Food for the Homeless; Leader, Loisaida Community Fridge; Member, Lower East Side Community Concerns
Throughout my ministry, I've been committed to serving the wider church, engaging in many areas of our synod's life. I would be honored to represent you at Churchwide Assembly.

The Rev. George Dietrich
St. Michael’s/Incarnation, Hampton Lutheran Parish
Church Leadership
Synod Council; Secretary/Treasurer of Peconic Conference
Community Leadership
St. Michael’s Housing Board Member
Trusting in the promise of Baptism of always being made new, we are inspired by the Holy Spirit to always renew our church. Collaboration and finding new ways of being church together for the sake of the Gospel is needed. I would be honored to serve MNYS in this role.
BALLOT 25: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Lay Female (2)

Belynda Barton
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Middletown
Church Leadership
Parish Secretary, Parish Deacon, Youth Advisor
Community Leadership
Warming Station volunteer, Cell Phones for Soldiers coordinator, International Order of Rainbow for Girls Majority Member
I am running for Assembly because I believe I can help maintain balance by honoring our apostolic heritage and having an open-minded vision for the future of our church.

Anaih Nieto Benitez
Unidad y Fe, Queens
Church Leadership
Youth Ministry
Community Leadership
ESL Program for Immigrants
I want to be involved in the growth of our church and improvement.

Gina Kirstine Danialinia
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Pearl River
Church Leadership
Volunteer Coordinator
Community Leadership
VP Races for Peace, Inc.; Co-Leader Hearts + Homes for Refugees- Rockland Cohort
I believe in the future of the ELCA and have an ability to bring together diverse groups so we can all pull in the same direction, following the Holy Spirit, abounding in hope and joy.

Roberta C. Detmers
Trinity, Astoria/LIC
Church Leadership
Synod Deacon; Shepherding Ministry; Growing in Faith Diakonia Location Manager
Community Leadership
Former PA President and Treasurer; Helped with Girl Scouts; Work with candidate for School Board election
I would be honored to represent our Metropolitan New York Synod at Churchwide, serving God to the best of my ability.
BALLOT 26: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Lay Male (1)

Edgar Guerrero Ávila
Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan
Church Leadership
Parish Secretary, Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan | Vaccination Clinic Coordinator, Asociación de Ministerios Latinos de la ELCA | Member, MNYS Multicultural Committee
Community Leadership
OSHA Certification Coordinator, NYC Department of Labor | Outreach Community Coordinator, Fundación Mujer Solidaridad (Ecuador)
United, we can make ELCA a haven for diverse identities, celebrating & integrating them into our shared spiritual path.

John Litke
Saint Peter's Church, Huntington Station
Church Leadership
Synod Council
Synod Vice President
ELCA Task Force
Community Leadership
Science Fair Judge
Habitat for Humanity Volunteer
I have extensive service experience at congregation, synod and national levels to participate in the legislative and church-building processes in these times of transition.
BALLOT 27: ELCA Churchwide Representative | BIPOC Male (1)

Roberto Lara Aranda
Saint Peter's Church, Manhattan
Church Leadership
President, Latino Ministries Association of the ELCA | Board Trustee, ELCA Foundation | Assistant to the Bishop, Metropolitan New York Synod
Community Leadership
Volunteer Translator, New Sanctuary Coalition | "MXM Inspires" Event Coordinator, Meredith Corporation (Now Accenture) | Dance Director, Midtown Arts Common at Saint Peter's Church
I am committed to shaping ELCA into a haven that welcomes & celebrates the sacred gift of diversity, enriching our church community.
BALLOT 28: ELCA Churchwide Representative | BIPOC Female Whose Primary Language Is Other than English (1)

Maria Rodas
Saint Peter's, Manhattan
Church Leadership
Data and Events Manager, Metropolitan New York Synod | Ministry Coordinator, Latino Ministries Association of the ELCA | Vaccination Clinic Coordinator, ELCA World Hunger
Community Leadership
Director of Administrative Services, Lutheran Social Services of New York – Early Life Education Program | Volunteer, Lutheran Social Services of New York – The New LIFE Center Program
My motivation to serve stems from my commitment to embracing our diverse backgrounds and nurturing an environment where all voices are heard, respected, and valued. ¡Gracias!
BALLOT 29: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Youth Male, (16-18 y/o) (1)

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 30: ELCA Churchwide Representative | Young-Adult Female, (18-30 y/o) (1)

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
BALLOT 31 (POTENTIAL*): ELCA Churchwide Representative | Lay Female (1)

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
*Please note that, in order to have nominations from the floor during the assembly for this category, we will need to nominate two "POTENTIAL" candidates. During the fall of 2023, the MNYS Office of the Bishop will receive the official number of MNYS representatives required for the 2025 Churchwide Assembly. This number will determine if the "POTENTIAL" candidates will be officially elected or not. If the number of representatives required is 13 (as in CWA 2022), then "POTENTIAL" candidates will be recognized as official representatives; however, if the number of required representatives is less than 13, "POTENTIAL" candidates will not be recognized as representatives.
BALLOT 32 (POTENTIAL*): ELCA Churchwide Representative | Lay Male (1)

To Come
Church Leadership
To Come
Community Leadership
To come
To Come
*Please note that, in order to have nominations from the floor during the assembly for this category, we will need to nominate two "POTENTIAL" candidates. During the fall of 2023, the MNYS Office of the Bishop will receive the official number of MNYS representatives required for the 2025 Churchwide Assembly. This number will determine if the "POTENTIAL" candidates will be officially elected or not. If the number of representatives required is 13 (as in CWA 2022), then "POTENTIAL" candidates will be recognized as official representatives; however, if the number of required representatives is less than 13, "POTENTIAL" candidates will not be recognized as representatives.